The difference between stem cells and  PRP Injections (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Stem cells are usually extracted from subcutaneous fat, especially from the abdominal wall, and they contain certain primary cells (mother cells) that help restore tissues of the same type of tissue in which they are transplanted, and form new cells from that tissue, as well as activate blood circulation.

As for the plasma, it is from the blood, where a sample of blood is drawn about 10-15 cubic centimeters of the patient’s blood, and then it is separated in a certain way by means of a separation device (centrifuge). The platelet-rich plasma is taken, and it also contains growth factors.

Plasma is often used more to treat dermatological and cosmetic problems, and sometimes to treat joints such as knee osteoarthritis and sports injuries.

While stem cells are widely used in the advanced stages of knee roughness, to restore many tissues and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and in the spine in some cases of disc and many sports injuries.

Regarding the cost of treatment, the cost of plasma treatment is often much lower than the cost of stem cell treatment because the method of extracting stem cells from fat is rather expensive.

If the attending physician is capable of regenerative cell therapy; He can treat his patients using either method based on the best for the patient and the nature of the problem, and often knee problems benefit from stem cell therapy more than plasma.

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