Spinal cord injuries and stem cell therapy
It is known that spinal cord injuries in the spine are incurable, and represent a great challenge for the lives of the injured throughout their lives, as it results in the disruption of the sensory and motor abilities of tens of thousands of people every year – more than 500 thousand – around the world.
Many attempts and research have been conducted in the past twenty years on the effectiveness of stem cells in an attempt to treat these almost hopeless cases to help them medically, psychologically and socially to overcome their plight.
And in a recent study published a few days ago on the page of damankis et Al for Scientific Research on 4/38/2022; 18 clinical articles were examined about more than 100 cases of the possibility of treating such cases with stem cells, and the study showed that there is great hope for treatment, especially when using cells taken from the umbilical cord of newborns, and although the improvement shown by this study is considered small, as it does not exceed 20-30% – due to the difficulty of restoring nerve cells, and the lack of an ideal treatment protocol so far – but this study proved its presence in developing treatment and improving such cases after hope was completely lost. It is also worth noting that this study does not show any complications or side effects of stem cell therapy, which encourages us to pursue research and find better ways to treat stem cells for spinal cord injuries, and so we note that this study is very promising and opens new doors for the treatment of spinal cord injuries. – After the great success we have achieved in the treatment of disc and joints, muscle and ligament injuries, and knee stiffness – however, the treatment of nerve cells and spinal cord remains a great challenge for doctors and patients, and research must be pursued with great perseverance and without getting bored, with more effective protocols to move forward and develop effective methods In the treatment of spinal cord injuries.
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