Can we get vitamin D from food?

Vitamin D is one of the most important elements for building a strong and healthy body. It delays the occurrence of osteoporosis, helps build blood cells well, and strengthens immunity to resist diseases and germs that attack the body. Everyone knows that the main source of vitamin D is daily exposure to the sun for 10-15 minute.

But some do not know that it is possible to get our need of vitamin D through some foods, especially for people who do not suffer from vitamin D deficiency, as the individual needs daily between 800-1000 international units, equivalent to about 20-25 micrograms of vitamin D.

As for people who are deficient in vitamin D, we must take into account that we double these quantities several times according to the instructions of the attending physician, because many factors enter into the calculation of the required quantity.

Here are the most important foods that contain vitamin D:

  • Some types of fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and rainbow trout (similar to salmon).
  • Some types of mushrooms, such as the brown portabella mushroom (and it is recommended to expose it to the sun for several minutes before cooking it).
  • olives and olive oil.
  • Most juices fortified (fortified) with vitamin D such as orange juice, as well as fortified milk, almond milk, coconut milk, and soy milk fortified with vitamin D.
  • We must also know that the presence of some factors in some people exposes them more than others to vitamin D deficiency, and the most important of these factors are:
  • Aging, as the ability of the skin and kidneys to convert vitamin D from the latent state to the active state decreases.
  • Dark skin because it is difficult to absorb ultraviolet rays from the sun.
  • The presence of some diseases that prevent the absorption of vitamin D, such as Crohn’s disease or Celiac disease, etc.
  • Excess weight because the fat retains vitamin D under the skin and does not flow sufficiently into the blood.
  • A person can know that they have a vitamin D deficiency if they notice the following symptoms:
  • Muscle aches and cramps
  • Insomnia at night
  • The presence of fragility in the bones and exposure to fragility fractures

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